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Journal “History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine” – Ukrainian historical and economical collection of scientific papers published by the State Institution “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine”. Journal “History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine” – the only periodical scientific publication of historical and economic problems that existed in the Soviet Union and continues to go after the independence of Ukraine. Traditional topics of the book “History of the economy” and “History of Economic Thought” were supplemented with new – “From the history of economic reforms,” “outstanding scientists”, and “the history of scientific institutions”. The priority of historical and economic research in the last decade was to study ways and features of the formation of the market environment in the domestic economy, highlighting the development of economic thought on these issues. In the book published scientific work of professional scientists, professors, and graduate students prepared in various research institutions and higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The editorial policy aims to ensure a high level of scientific research, an in-depth study of historical sources, and proper justification conclusions proposed by the authors of materials. Nowadays, the journal became a scientific and methodological center of historical and economic research.

Journal “History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine” is included in the category “B” of the List of professional scientific editions of Ukraine.

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The materials of the Journal are presented in the database of scientific citations

 Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI)


ISSN 0320-4421 (Print)

ISSN 2522-4271 (Online)

Key title: Ìstorìâ narodnogo gospodarstva ta ekonomìčnoï dumki Ukraïni 

Abbreviated key title: Ìstor. nar. gospod. ekon. dumki Ukr.

Parallel title: History of economics and economic thought of Ukraine

Published from 1965 (annual).

Languages: Ukrainian, English.

The Editorial Board of the Collection follows the publishing standards for the publication of the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, endorsed by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The editorial board supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative, which aims at the free and free dissemination of scientific knowledge that promotes the accelerated development of science.